Is Your Garden Ready?
Growing Season is Upon Us. Your Madison County ACE hardware has everything you need for your garden.
From Squash to Zucchini, Tomatos to Watermelon, Madison County ACE hardware meets all your vegetable garden plant needs! Discover our wide selection of radish plants, spinach, peppers, onions, mustard, lettuce, leaks, kale, eggplant, collards, carrots, cress, cauliflower, cabbage, brussell sprouts, beets, arugula, okra and so much more.
Annuals & Perennials
Experience the breathtaking colors of a lush flower garden with the help of Gardens of the Blueridge & Madison County ACE Hardware. Discover our wide selection of both annual and perennial flowers. Enjoy growing your garden from seed to beautiful flowering plant.
Trees & Shrubs
From providing shade to crisp fruit trees, Gardens of the Blueridge provides a wide variety of trees and shrubs for your home. From the popular Crape Myrtle to the flowering Hydrangea bush, you can’t go wrong! Discover hostas, roses, blackberry & blueberry bushes, azaleas, magnolias, hibiscus, gardenia, cypress trees, and much much more.
Seed & Bulbs
Create your own garden oasis that will draw honey bees, butterflies, and be a beautiful view for you to enjoy. Choose wildflower seeds that will grow best in your terrain. Shop Sun, Shade, Wet, Dry, Deer Resistant, Monarch Attractors, Pollinators, and more.
Choose from a variety of bulbs or vegetable seeds to produce popular garden veggies. Discover onion and potato sets from Gardens of the Blueridge.
Everything you need for your home garden
Discover even more products available from Gardens of the Blueridge and your Madison County ACE Hardware. We are now offering:
Trees and Shrubs
Fruit Trees
Garden Seed
Potato and Onion Sets
Dahlia and Caladium Bulbs
Rose (Knock Out and Climbing)
We also have Mulch, Top Soil, bagged, and bulk.